Confessions of an Autism Dad
One dad's perspectives on dealing with a child who has Autism. All in print - for good or bad.

About Confessions of an Autism Dad

I started this blog - at the prompting of my wife - not only as a means to vent my frustrations and share my experiences with Autism, but also in the hopes that other dads of autism can know that they are not alone. I know what it means to get really mad. The sleepless nights, the fits in public, throwing objects at your other kids, scratching you. . . I've been there. I'm there right now.

This isn't a blog designed to complain or secretly announce what I don't like about my child. I love my son - I don't love the autism. You aren't going to find any secret diets or methods of therapy that will fix your child or make life easier. I'll share pictures, glimpses into my life, my thoughts and frusterations - you know, the good stuff.

I am a stay at home dad to 4 amazing kids. One of them has Autism. These are my Confessions.

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This is my son, Noah

This is my son, Noah
He has autism


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